Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Sale at Zaycon Fresh – New Customers

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And now a boneless skinless chicken breast sale at Zaycon Fresh, for new members only. Zaycon Fresh is really trying hard to attract new customers so they are following up the ground beef sale (which is now over) with a boneless skinless chicken breast sale at Zaycon Fresh.


Using code WELCOME147 when you order here, new customers can save 22.5% off their boneless, skinless chicken breast. The regular price is $1.89 per pound and WELCOME147 brings it down to just $1.47 per lb.

Shop Now at Zaycon Fresh

Why we like Zaycon chicken

We’ve told you over and over about Zaycon Fresh chicken breasts. It is the only place we have bought them in the past 3 years.

You guys will be amazed at how big they are, and how clean. They don’t come with a bunch of yucky stuff that needs to be trimmed and thrown away. Usually one double lobbed breast feeds our family of 3 adults. I use a kitchen mallet to hammer them flat. If I am making something like a chicken pot pie, I use just one half of the breast. This case of 40 pounds lasts us a long time. It also saves us a bunch of money because having farm fresh chicken in the freezer makes dinner time easy. We avoid the “there is nothing to eat” problem and refrain from ordering take-out food.

Interested? Go to Zaycon Fresh here.

You can also watch this video that explains the Zaycon Fresh idea.

This special offer is for new customers only and is valid from Thursday Jan. 18th – Sunday Jan 21st at 11:59 pm PST.



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