How To Request A Coupon In The Mail – Bricks Coupons

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Sometimes when we post about coupons that are available to print we include information that says “mail option available“.  Do you know what that means?

Sometimes Bricks, one of the very popular coupon printing sites that companies hire to run their coupon campaigns, will  allow a coupon to be mailed to you. If we know this is the case with a particular coupon, we will point it out to you.

To request your coupon by mail, here is all you do!

  • When you see the printing screen come up, click “help” on the bottom of the page:

  • You will be taken to a new page, where you fill in your mailing information:


  • Fill out the form, and click “mail my coupon”

The coupons come very quickly in the mail, usually in about a week.

Watch for our “mail option available” alerts to point out this nifty way of getting free coupons!


  1. Sue Thompson says

    Unfortunately, this site and my printer do not work and play together well, I cannot print from this site. Another unfortunate problem is, I’ve requested mailed coupons they never arrive. It is SO frustrating!!! 🙁

  2. Sue, try a different browser. We can not print Bricks coupons on Firefox but they print fine using IE. As for the ones that never arrive, that is really odd; ours always arrive really quickly. I’d encourage you to keep trying.

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