How We Turned $5.98 Into $214 on eBay

It is time for another eBay story, part of our You Sold That For How Much series. As you may or may not know, we are very active online retailers. We sell on eBay daily; in fact it is the major source of our family’s income. From time to time we like to share a […]

Got Lamps? Check Out This eBay Sale For Over $1000

It’s been a while since we have posted about a recent eBay sale, but this one is just too good not to share. It’s the next installment in our You Sold That For How Much series (read other eBay flip stories here). Part of our eBay/online business involves selling items for other people. Many times […]

You Sold That For How Much? Our $0.33 to $39 Flip

This week in our series You Sold That for How Much? we are going to share a yard sale score with you. Recently we bought this piece of fabric for $0.33 at a garage sale.  It was one of 3 pieces we bought that were 3/$1.  We could tell the fabric was high quality when […]